歡迎, 在這裡你可以讓腦袋爆炸.和不同人激發出不一樣的想法,或是提供主題讓大家一同腦力激盪,如果你有想發揮的題目,或是你每天都充滿各種新奇的想法,加入我們不時舉辦的免費線上活動,把你的好點子分享給其他人



Welcome, we host free brainstorming online occasionally, feel free to join and initiate any topic you like. You should join us if you need ideas, or even better, you have ideas to share and be sharpen! You can join any networking or brainstorming virtual session.

Face-to-face events are temporary removed due to the covid situation but thanks to the great Internet we can still take our adventure to a whole new world online.

